Focusing on the Future
When planning for the future, especially professionally, the one thing that remains constant is technology. As an educator, I want to use technology to impact my students learning that will better prepare them for their future. I want to immerse myself in opportunities to learn more about the benefits of technology and be the advocate that assists in the proper integration of technology in schools. Keeping those core ideas in the forefront of my professional goals, I set three specific goals that I intend on exploring and mastering in the future. The specific goals that I have planned for the future include; digital portfolios for students to create during their K-12 experience, becoming a Google Certified Educator, become a leader in my school and district to integrate technology into schools. Although many goals can form from the core ideas mentioned above, these are the three that I anticipate will support my lifelong learning as an educator.
Goal #1
Digital Portfolios
Our job as educators is to provide new opportunities for our students while also monitoring and measuring their progress throughout their schooling. Technology allows us to be creative, innovative, collaborative and so much more. Technology gives us the ability to store information and creations and review it for years to come. I would like to help my students, and eventually the students in my school/district, create digital portfolios of the work they do in school using applications such as Wordpress, Kidblog, or Google Classroom. A digital portfolio is a place where students can create, organize, save and share their work. Digital portfolios provide opportunities for teachers, administrators and parents to observe students work and progress throughout their K-12 experience. It is important for students to create a digital footprint early on, so they can view and showcase their growth and achievements. It can even benefit students when they are planning for their future. To begin my journey on implementing digital portfolios for students, I plan to read Digital Portfolios in the Classroom by Matt Renwick and Demonstrating Student Mastery with Digital Badges and Portfolios by David Niguidula. I intend to learn the ins and outs of digital portfolios so I can integrate them into my classroom and advocate the importance of it to my administrators
Goal #2
Certified Google Educator
After completing my masters in Educational Technology through Michigan State University, I intend on continuing my journey as a lifelong learner especially when it pertains to technology. It’s important for educators to understand the technology tools they are using and use them in ways that are beneficial to them and their students. Each person in my district, administrators, teachers and students, have a Google account. To my knowledge, teachers are not utilizing the many resources and tools that Google has to offer for themselves and students. My goal is to become a certified Google Educator and eventually a certified Google Trainer. I want to be able to share my knowledge with other and enhance students learning. Google for Education has a training site that allows educators to complete it at their own pace. Once the training is complete, I can continue on to becoming a certified Google Trainer, which will help me give direct training to the staff in my building and district.
Goal #3
Technology Leadership Role
To be in a leadership role, one of the main goals is to motivate and inspire the people you lead to engage in the same vision you are presenting. I want to acquire a leadership position in my building or district that provides the “why” behind the importance of technology integration. I want to be the leader in my district that not only provides the “why” behind technology integration but gives educators continued trainings, resources and tools that will enhance their learning as well as their students learning. To begin this journey, I would like to become a member of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Becoming a member would allow me to be a part of a collaborative community of experts who are committed to expanding educational technology. It also will provide me opportunities to professional development series that cover topics like ISTE standards, makerspaces, coding, and digital citizenship. Immersing myself in this wealth of knowledge will aid in my development as a leader in technology.
In Conclusion...
Taking the time to focus on my goals for the future has me feeling excited and a bit nervous. My goals are within reach and I am determined to better myself, my students and my colleagues through technology. What I have planned can ultimately change but I will be striving to reach my goals that pertain to my core ideas as I move forward with technology and my teaching career.